5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Bathroom Vanity Top

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Looking to give your bathroom a fresh, new look? One of the biggest impact elements in your bathroom is the vanity top. But with so many to choose from, how do you decide? Don’t worry we’ve got you covered! Here are five things to think about when choosing your bathroom vanity top.

1. Size Matters: Fit

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When it comes to vanity tops, size isn’t just about measurements – it’s about harmony in your bathroom. Let’s break this down:

Measure Twice, Buy Once

First things first: grab that tape measure! You need to know the exact measurements of your vanity (including sinks, plumbing systems, etc.) and the space in your bathroom. Do you need one sink or two? How much counter space do you need? Any wall at the left or right side of your vanity? These will determine the size of the vanity top you choose. This is the most important step to ensure your new top fits like a glove.

Proportion is everything

A vanity top that’s too big will make your bathroom feel tiny, one that’s too small will look odd. You want to find that Goldilocks zone – just right! How will the size of the vanity top affect the overall look and feel of your space?

Pro Tip

If you’re unsure about sizing, don’t worry, consult a professional. They can help you navigate tricky spaces and get the perfect fit.

2. Style: Make a statement

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Your vanity top is more than just a surface – it’s a design element in your bathroom. Here’s how to get it right:

Match or contrast?

Do you want your vanity top to match your existing decor or be a statement piece? Both can work, depending on your overall design plan.

Color coordination

Consider the color palette of your bathroom. Your vanity top should match or tastefully contrast with the existing colors. Neutral tones are versatile, bold colors make a statement.

Texture and pattern

From smooth and sleek to textured and patterned, vanity tops come in many finishes. Think about how these will work with the lighting and other textures in your bathroom.


Whether you’re looking to match existing decor or create a unique focal point, having the ability to choose elements that resonate with your taste can make your bathroom feel more uniquely yours.

3. Durability: Built to last

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Your bathroom vanity top needs to withstand daily use, moisture and potentially harsh cleaning products. Here’s what to consider:

Material matters

Different materials have different levels of durability. Depending on your needs and budget, choose a vanity top material that suits your requirements. If you are looking for a high-quality material, consider:

  • Quartz and nano crystallized glass are the champions of durability, resistant to stains, scratches and heat.
  • Natural stones like quartzite, granite and marble are tough but require more maintenance.

Stain resistance

Think about what your vanity top will be exposed to – makeup, hair products, toothpaste? Some materials are more stain resistant than others, which is a big plus in a busy bathroom.

Heat tolerance

You might not be placing hot pans on your bathroom vanity but heat from styling tools can be a concern. Materials like nano crystallized glasses can handle heat, others may require more care.

Scratch resistance

If you have a habit of dragging things across the counter or have kids who might be a bit clumsy, consider a scratch resistant material like quartz.

4. Maintenance: Keeping it looking great

The amount of effort required to keep your vanity top looking its best will vary depending on the material. Here’s what you need to know:

Low maintenance options

If you prefer a set-it-and-forget-it approach, materials like quartz or nano crystallized glass are the way to go. They don’t need sealing and can be cleaned with just soap and water.

Natural stone care

If you choose natural stone like marble or granite, be prepared for a bit more work. These materials need to be sealed once or twice a year to prevent water absorption and staining. The plus side? They’re beautiful and unique.

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Bathroom Vanity Top image7Quartzite is an ideal countertop surface due to its strength and long-lasting composition

Regardless of the material you choose, good habits will extend the life of your vanity top. A quick daily wipe down and prompt attention to spills will go a long way in keeping it looking great.

5. Cost vs long term value: making a smart investment

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When it comes to vanity tops the old adage “you get what you pay for” is often true. Here’s how to think about cost and value:

Initial cost

Higher end materials will cost more upfront. But these materials often offer more durability and longevity.

Long term savings

Think about how long you expect the vanity top to last. A more durable material may save you money in the long run by reducing the need for repairs or replacements.

Maintenance costs

Consider the ongoing costs of maintenance. Some materials require special cleaners or periodic professional treatments which can add up over time.

Resale value

If you plan to sell your home in the future a high end vanity top can be a selling point. Durable and beautiful materials can add to the overall value of your bathroom.

Balance is key

Ultimately the best choice is the balance of your budget with your long term needs and wants. It’s okay to splurge on a high end top if it’s within your means and aligns with your priorities.

Which Bathroom Vanity Top Will You Choose?

Choosing the right bathroom vanity top is all about balancing size, style, durability, maintenance, and cost. By weighing up each of these factors you can choose a top that looks great and lasts.

There’s no one-size-fits-all all. What’s right for you will depend on your specific needs, wants, and lifestyle. Take your time, do your research and if needed consult with the experts.

Whatever you choose, a great vanity top will turn your bathroom from functional to fantastic. Go for it! Your perfect vanity top is out there!

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